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Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment

The vendors in this section provide trustworthy, reliable furniture, fixtures, equipment, and supplies that are specifically designed for childcare facilities. They can also help to provide quotes and estimates. As a reminder, our grant dollars are obtained from a federal source and as a result must adhere to federal requirements. It is a requirement that all finalists have at least 3 quotes or estimates for each portion of their project as indicated on their Updated Budget Form. You can use the below vendors to obtain these quotes or estimates. 

Discount School Supply offers the best prices on quality products for early childhood educators and parents of young children. From Arts & Crafts, Active & Dramatic Play, STEM, Manipulatives, Furniture & more, teachers and caregivers save more with Discount School Supply.

LISC CT Finalists qualify for a 10% discount and free shipping at the Discount School Supply Finalist Page

Call us at 1-800-627-2829 or visit us online
Christopher Edwards
Account Manager – CT, NY
Call/Text: 860-951-5836
Customer Service: 1(800)627-2829
Shop the New Environments Furniture Line


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